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How Much do Eyelash Extensions Cost? The Definitive Guide to What You'll Pay for Application, Maintenance and After Care

How Much Do Eyelash Extensions Cost

6 min read

Posted by Maryann Matykowski on September 26, 2017


You've seen your friend look amazing wearing them, and heard her raving about how great they are... And, for good reason! Something that seemed like a fad not so long ago has now become a beauty must. One thing we can happily say for sure is that lash extensions are here to stay! So, let’s answer your burning questions about this popular service.

How Much are Eyelash Extensions?

The cost of a full set of lash extensions can vary depending on skill level, location and the type of product the lash artist is using. Glad Lash collected data from lash artists in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere around the globe through an Industry Survey. We can now share the results with you, to help you get a better idea of what you can expect to pay... It turns out, the industry average is between $81 and $120. Initially, you will pay more upfront for your full set. There's usually a consultation first, which will include a screening to make sure you are a suitable candidate for the service. On your first visit, the service will take your lash artist around one-and-a-half to two hours. During the process, you will be laying with your eyes closed relaxing, while getting beautified. Most clients enjoy this time to unwind. Full-set-eyelash-extensions-cost-chart

What's the Cost of Maintaining My New Look?

Lash extensions will require regular maintenance, in line with your lashes' natural growth cycle. This maintenance will be called an “infill”, “refill”, “fill-in” or any number of other terms. This service is required to keep your lashes looking full and fluffy. Natural lashes shed just like the hair on your head. As you shed lashes, you are also shedding the attached lash extensions. Therefore, the lost lash extensions will be replaced by new, fresh ones. Extensions will be cleaned and groomed, and any loose lashes will be removed and replaced. This is all a normal part of the process.

The best lash after care by GladGirl - Maximize your retention, Lash Lovers... This mini kit has the essentials to keep your lashes looking gorgeous between fills.
It will take your lash artist 45 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the condition of your lash extensions. Generally, it's 50% of the initial time of a full set. The fees for the service, according to the Glad Lash Survey, run between $41 and $80, on average. Again, these prices will vary from artist to artist. You will need to schedule this service every two to three weeks. Feel free to browse the Artist Directory by GladGirl to find talented specialists in your area. Eyelash-extension-fill-cost-chart

Find an Artist and Get Lashed!

Heard enough and ready to go and get your first full-set?!? You can find an eyelash extensions artist near you using the Artist Directory which features eyelash artist across the US and internationally.

Why Do Prices Vary So Much?

As mentioned above, there are three main reasons why the price of a full set or a refill differ between lash technicians. Like many other services, pricing relies on:
  1. Experience
  2. Location
  3. Product


A recent graduate of lash extension training will start out at about 50% of what a seasoned lash artist will be charging. New lashers will be slower, extremely cautious and a little nervous. They may not be getting the maximum number of lashes on that a seasoned lash artist will. Most newbies will get about 45-60 per eye, depending on the time spent. Seasoned experts will fill every available healthy lash. We don’t count how many, we just fill them up! Keeping this in mind, it only makes sense that a newer lash artist will be charging a fee that is much less in the beginning. As they improve their skills and timing - they will raise their prices.


You can expect to pay more in major cities than in a rural town. Some of the factors that play into these price differences are:
  • Cost of space to perform the service
  • Cost of shipping supplies
  • Demand for the service
You will also find, the highest price for a full set of lash extensions will be at high-end resorts or spas. These type of businesses always set their fees higher due to the premium to stay there. People expect to pay more at resorts, so they charge accordingly.


This one's fairly self-explanatory. Lash artists who are using more expensive products are going to be charging more for their services to cover these costs. It's worth mentioning, however, that simply paying more doesn't mean you're guaranteed higher quality. So shop around and be informed.

How Do I Look After My Eyelash Extensions?

To get the maximum life and value out of your extensions, they do require after care. We recommend that you get specific products to take home and use - to keep your lashes in the best shape. Your lash technician should suggest, recommend, and retail aftercare products. An oil-free makeup remover is a must! I recommend the Glad Lash After Care Kit. This kit has all the things you will need to keep your lashes clean and fresh between your maintenance appointments. Your lash artist should give you a take-home sheet or written instructions stating which products you should use, and what you need to stay away from.
Glad-Lash-After-Care-Kit All products in the kit are designed to keep eyelash extensions looking long, lush and lovely.

Anything oily will wreak havoc on your lashes. Heat, humidity, and extreme cold all play a factor in how well your lashes hold up. Doing your part to keep your lashes squeaky clean, brushed out, and pretty will help determine how often you will need to schedule your refills. After care kits can cost around $25-$30 on average. This is a great investment for you if you are serious about your lash extensions. A satin pillowcase will help keep your lashes from being crushed. A sleep mask is also a great tool for those face sleepers. Sleep masks have indented areas for the eye area - this keeps you from laying on the lashes and flattening them as you sleep. The satin pillowcases are soft and slippery - they keep the lashes from getting tugged at with the cotton or cotton blend materials used in modern day bedding. Both items are a very good investment.

What if I Need a Break from Lash Extensions?

If your lash tech is following the application protocols, you shouldn’t need to take a break. However, you may want to or feel the need to stop for a while... Here are some tips for how to do it:

Protect your Lashes

A lash growth serum is always recommended. This will help grow new lashes, and let those already long lashes get a bit longer. These serums can be a bit pricey, but a solid result is worth the cost. They can run from $80-$150. Use until your lashes have grown out strong and healthy - 60 to 90 days is usually recommended.
Lash-Growth-Serum KeraCell Eyelash & Brow Boosting Serum is here to enhance and fortify visibly listless lashes and brows.

Strip Lashes

If you have had an allergic reaction to the lash adhesive then you will need an alternative to lash extensions. Your lash artist can and should offer an alternative service for this very occasion. Strip lashes, also known as false lashes, may be a suitable option. Strip lashes are meant to be applied on a daily basis. They can be easy to apply, but are sometimes a bit trickier until you get the correct look and size that works for you. Strip lashes come in many looks from natural to the most dramatic and everything in between. Ask your lash artist to give you direction on which lashes would be suitable for you. I usually put them on my clients who cannot wear lash extensions after I remove the extensions. I have found that after wearing extensions my clients feel a bit bare if they leave without anything. They feel a little sad, and now have to resume the mascara part of their beauty routine.

I hope this has answered some of your questions on the cost, care and maintenance of the beauty treatment that is eyelash extensions! If you would like to know more about these topics, please ask away in the comments section below. We love to hear from you!

Maryann Matykowski

Maryann Matykowski

Maryann has an accomplished, 30+ year background in the beauty industry. As a cosmetologist she opened her first salon in ’83. She has specialized as an educator since 2006. Maryann knows what it takes to create successful salon businesses and is here to share her experience with you.

36 Responses

Kimm Krawczak
Kimm Krawczak

January 04, 2022

Autocorrect apologize. If I’m consistent I feel the price should be consistent

Kimm Krawczak
Kimm Krawczak

January 04, 2022

I’ve been getting my lashes done for the last couple months. The 1st time my lady did my lashes she charged me a 120 for classic. My refill was 65. Next time I went it was 80. Then the next time I went with 75. But I’m coming on a regular basis why does the price flags so much. She says it depends on how many lashes she has to put on. She is quite good but I think if I’m consistent with coming out F coming in the price should be consistent as well. Is this wrong Of me to think this way?


January 02, 2022


thank you for sharing your information. The information helps really.

Best wishes


December 19, 2019

prices are so different and we are always arueing with people that go to lash stylists who charge 30. that is so ridicolous because those people always come back and ask for putting the lash extensions down because they have pain. one recommendation – before you go to a lash studio inform yourself with pictures and reviews and you will have a nice set of lash extensions.

tina from wimpernverlängerung salzburg

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

July 02, 2019

Hi Angeliz,

That doesn’t sound like the price for a full set of lash extensions. That sound like clusters or strip lashes.
The average cost of a full set is between $90-130.00
Anything less than that makes me wonder what they are actually offering.
Stop in and have a consultation. That way you know for sure.
Best of Luck to you!!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

June 27, 2019

Hi Dee,

Glad Girl has a retail location in the Los Angeles area. They can help you find the perfect lashes for you. If you aren’t in that area, Benefit Cosmetics has staff that provide customized lashes for your needs. There are many salons that can help you with that as well. Just a quick online search should help you locate a salon near you that would love to help you get comfortable with strip lashes. Good Luck fluttering those pretty lashes.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

June 27, 2019

Hi Carol,

Lash Extension prices vary from place to place. Unfortunately, there are no standard set prices. Several years ago Glad Lash did a survey and what we found out was this:
A full set of extensions averaged between $89-$125 and fills averaged between $45-60. So this should be a starting point. You are lucky to be able to go that long between fills. You must take very good care of your extensions. Hopefully you will find a lash artist that does a great job and is in your price range.


June 26, 2019

This lady charges $25 to $20 for eyelashes extensions should I do it?

Dee Dee
Dee Dee

June 02, 2019

I would like to have strip lashes applied. Can you recommend a salon that sells and applied strip lashes to clients who do not want lash extensions?


May 28, 2019

I have been getting my eyelashes done for about 4 years I do give my eyelahes a break now and again. As a flight attendant i need to look my best all the time. I have 3 seperate people different cities) who do my individual eyelashes. every 3 to 4 weeks. Yes they lash that long… I get a natural length. I pay 25$. and a 5$ tip. I was appalled to pay 150$ for lashes as mother of the bride. They lasted 5 days. Shop around and find a good salon eho uses good glue and doesnt charge you an arm and a leg. Most cities have affordable lashes.Vacation spots rip you off…

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 14, 2018

Hi Mary,

Congratulations on your longevity in a very stressful career. Nursing is a very noble profession, however, you are never too old to do something you have a passion for. I would shoot for esthetics school, it’s shorter and will get you to your goal in short order. I would also check with your state and see if nurses can legally perform lash services. Some states have no regulations.

Best of luck to you in your venture!

Mary Arnold
Mary Arnold

August 13, 2018

Have been a nurse for 28 yrs and would like a change
At 68yrs old it is a little scary to change. I am checking into beautician schools to learn lashing. Do you think it’s too late or that I am too old to become a lasher?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

April 02, 2018

You’re welcome, thanks for reading!


March 30, 2018

Thank you for the feedback! That really helps!

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

March 30, 2018

Hey Whitney,

Let’s answer some questions you may be having about your lash service.
It isn’t uncommon to lose a few lashes after your service. We shed up to 5 lashes per eye every day. So losing a few lashes the first day is not that unusual. The other thing I tell my clients is that we aren‚Äôt all that aware of lash loss until we have had a service. We become much more conscious of our lashes. I would never be critical anyone‚Äôs work unless it is just plain negligent. So I want to tread lightly here. We are all trained differently and just recently we have learned about washing lashes at the beginning of each service. Some lash artists will do a cleanse at the completion as well. This helps reduce the clients exposure to anything they may be allergic to and reduces the exposure to off gassing by the glue.
I do not wash every client at the beginning of the service. I have trained my clients to come with their lashes clean so I can spend my time actually lashing. I will use a primer on some clients if there are retention problems.
This is just a guideline and as we evolve in the industry, things will keep changing.
If you are noticing a lot of lash loss, then reach out to your technician and ask for a touch up and more clear after care instructions.
I hope this helps you and let us know how it goes!


March 28, 2018

Make that 5 now. :/


March 28, 2018

I had my lashes done for the first time two days ago. I’ve already lost 4 that I’ve seen. I haven’t slept on my face, I didn’t wash my face for 24 hours afterwards, and haven’t done anything else contraindicated. I noticed the lady did not clean my lids/lashes beforehand, she did not put the pads under my eyes, but did put tape down. Is this normal to already have lost 4, and would it make a difference with how she prepped them, or lack thereof? Should I say anything to her if she did something improper? Thanks!


October 03, 2017

Informative article! Thank you

Kimm Krawczak
Kimm Krawczak

January 04, 2022

Autocorrect apologize. If I’m consistent I feel the price should be consistent

Kimm Krawczak
Kimm Krawczak

January 04, 2022

I’ve been getting my lashes done for the last couple months. The 1st time my lady did my lashes she charged me a 120 for classic. My refill was 65. Next time I went it was 80. Then the next time I went with 75. But I’m coming on a regular basis why does the price flags so much. She says it depends on how many lashes she has to put on. She is quite good but I think if I’m consistent with coming out F coming in the price should be consistent as well. Is this wrong Of me to think this way?


January 02, 2022


thank you for sharing your information. The information helps really.

Best wishes


December 19, 2019

prices are so different and we are always arueing with people that go to lash stylists who charge 30. that is so ridicolous because those people always come back and ask for putting the lash extensions down because they have pain. one recommendation – before you go to a lash studio inform yourself with pictures and reviews and you will have a nice set of lash extensions.

tina from wimpernverlängerung salzburg

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

July 02, 2019

Hi Angeliz,

That doesn’t sound like the price for a full set of lash extensions. That sound like clusters or strip lashes.
The average cost of a full set is between $90-130.00
Anything less than that makes me wonder what they are actually offering.
Stop in and have a consultation. That way you know for sure.
Best of Luck to you!!

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

June 27, 2019

Hi Dee,

Glad Girl has a retail location in the Los Angeles area. They can help you find the perfect lashes for you. If you aren’t in that area, Benefit Cosmetics has staff that provide customized lashes for your needs. There are many salons that can help you with that as well. Just a quick online search should help you locate a salon near you that would love to help you get comfortable with strip lashes. Good Luck fluttering those pretty lashes.

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

June 27, 2019

Hi Carol,

Lash Extension prices vary from place to place. Unfortunately, there are no standard set prices. Several years ago Glad Lash did a survey and what we found out was this:
A full set of extensions averaged between $89-$125 and fills averaged between $45-60. So this should be a starting point. You are lucky to be able to go that long between fills. You must take very good care of your extensions. Hopefully you will find a lash artist that does a great job and is in your price range.


June 26, 2019

This lady charges $25 to $20 for eyelashes extensions should I do it?

Dee Dee
Dee Dee

June 02, 2019

I would like to have strip lashes applied. Can you recommend a salon that sells and applied strip lashes to clients who do not want lash extensions?


May 28, 2019

I have been getting my eyelashes done for about 4 years I do give my eyelahes a break now and again. As a flight attendant i need to look my best all the time. I have 3 seperate people different cities) who do my individual eyelashes. every 3 to 4 weeks. Yes they lash that long… I get a natural length. I pay 25$. and a 5$ tip. I was appalled to pay 150$ for lashes as mother of the bride. They lasted 5 days. Shop around and find a good salon eho uses good glue and doesnt charge you an arm and a leg. Most cities have affordable lashes.Vacation spots rip you off…

Maryann Matykowski
Maryann Matykowski

August 14, 2018

Hi Mary,

Congratulations on your longevity in a very stressful career. Nursing is a very noble profession, however, you are never too old to do something you have a passion for. I would shoot for esthetics school, it’s shorter and will get you to your goal in short order. I would also check with your state and see if nurses can legally perform lash services. Some states have no regulations.

Best of luck to you in your venture!

Mary Arnold
Mary Arnold

August 13, 2018

Have been a nurse for 28 yrs and would like a change
At 68yrs old it is a little scary to change. I am checking into beautician schools to learn lashing. Do you think it’s too late or that I am too old to become a lasher?

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

April 02, 2018

You’re welcome, thanks for reading!


March 30, 2018

Thank you for the feedback! That really helps!

Glad Lash
Glad Lash

March 30, 2018

Hey Whitney,

Let’s answer some questions you may be having about your lash service.
It isn’t uncommon to lose a few lashes after your service. We shed up to 5 lashes per eye every day. So losing a few lashes the first day is not that unusual. The other thing I tell my clients is that we aren‚Äôt all that aware of lash loss until we have had a service. We become much more conscious of our lashes. I would never be critical anyone‚Äôs work unless it is just plain negligent. So I want to tread lightly here. We are all trained differently and just recently we have learned about washing lashes at the beginning of each service. Some lash artists will do a cleanse at the completion as well. This helps reduce the clients exposure to anything they may be allergic to and reduces the exposure to off gassing by the glue.
I do not wash every client at the beginning of the service. I have trained my clients to come with their lashes clean so I can spend my time actually lashing. I will use a primer on some clients if there are retention problems.
This is just a guideline and as we evolve in the industry, things will keep changing.
If you are noticing a lot of lash loss, then reach out to your technician and ask for a touch up and more clear after care instructions.
I hope this helps you and let us know how it goes!


March 28, 2018

Make that 5 now. :/


March 28, 2018

I had my lashes done for the first time two days ago. I’ve already lost 4 that I’ve seen. I haven’t slept on my face, I didn’t wash my face for 24 hours afterwards, and haven’t done anything else contraindicated. I noticed the lady did not clean my lids/lashes beforehand, she did not put the pads under my eyes, but did put tape down. Is this normal to already have lost 4, and would it make a difference with how she prepped them, or lack thereof? Should I say anything to her if she did something improper? Thanks!


October 03, 2017

Informative article! Thank you

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