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Make It Up Monday - Beauty and the Beet... Delicious DIY Makeup Recipes!

Beauty from Food

2 min read

Posted by Heather Coopersmith on July 10, 2017

Have you ever imagined a world without fabulous beauty retailers like GladGirl, Sephora, or CVS? What if we had to start saving money, and couldn't splurge on ourselves anymore, or if we had to know about each and every ingredient that goes into making our beauty products? What if we had to become self-reliant, and make them ourselves from everyday items we might find in our pantry or refrigerator?

More so, what if we WANTED to become mad scientists, and indulge ourselves with our own homemade, organic cosmetics? Then, this blog post will really be an enlightening one... Let's talk about creating our own makeup and beauty products - with FOOD!! Without eating it all in the process! ;) Common ingredients used in DIY makeup are:

Looking at this list, I am sure most of us have at least five to six of these in our kitchen! I'm going to share a few recipes that won't be hard to make...

Beet Blush

  • Fine beet powder
  • Arrowroot powder starch
  • Old/recycled powdered blush container
Mix until you get the desired color.

Lipstick/ Lipgloss

  • 1 teaspoon beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa butter
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • Add in color with beetroot powder, food coloring, or cocoa powder. For a nice scent you can even add essential oil.


  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 4 teaspoons aloe vera gel
  • 1 – 2 capsules of activated charcoal (for black) OR ½ tsp cocoa powder (for brown)

Mix all the ingredients together, and store in an airtight container. Remember to always use a clean brush for application!

More Wholesome Recipes

For more natural recipes like these, Sarah Gotheridge can guide you in the right direction with her book - Homemade Makeup: A Beginners DIY Guide to Making Makeup at Home. There are many other books and resources that can help you find your organic way when it comes to beauty. The possibilities are endless! You can make your own deodorant, mascara, bronzers, makeup remover, and more!

When you want transparency in your makeup, makeup it up on your own! Have you made your own natural beauty products before? Please share your favourite recipes with us in the comments section below.

Heather Coopersmith

Heather Coopersmith

With almost two decades as a professional makeup artist working on film projects, tv shows, photo shoots and weddings, LA based Heather Coopersmith brings some serious skills and knowledge to the Glad Lash Blog with her guest posts. Heather sees her art (and her hair!) as a creative outlet, and says "My world is a visual experience and I want to make you a part of it!" We're super excited to have Heather brightening up our world. You can reach out to Heather on Instagram @makeupthebride

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